Jesper Majbom Madsen, Eager to be Roman, 2009

Kitap eleştirisi: Jesper Majbom Madsen, Eager to be Roman. Greek Response to Roman Rule in Pontus and Bithynia (London: Duckworth, 2009), pp. 166; ISBN 978 0 7156 3753 1; € 63.99.

Greek Response to Roman Rule in Pontus and Bithynia (London: Duckworth, 2009)

In his book Madsen (M.) presents a rewritten version of his PhD dissertation accepted by Aarhus University (Denmark). His aim is «to study how the population in the province of Pontus and Bithynia responded to Roman rule» (1). For this purpose the book is divided into five chapters: (1) A Governor at Work, (2) Roman Rule in Pontus and Bithynia, (3) Greeks in the Roman World, (4) Turning Roman in Pontus and Bithynia and (5) Responses to Roman Rule, each chapter being divided into a number of sub-chapters in which various aspects of the overriding theme are discussed. The main body of the book is followed by eight pages of conclusions and by notes, a bibliography and indices. The book focuses on the period from the Mithridatic Wars (89–66 BCE), when the region came under Roman control, to Caracalla’s grant of Roman citizenship to the free population of the empire in 212 CE.


  • Jesper Majbom Madsen, Eager to be Roman. Greek Response to Roman Rule in Pontus and Bithynia (London: Duckworth, 2009)