Adolescence is a period when the fastest growing happens in individuals after babyhood. The study was conducted with a total of 540 students from the 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th Grade students (284M and 256F) attending secondary school. In the first stage, 540 questionnaires that had 39 questions were applied to the students who were trained; and the children were given nutrition training; and after 20 days, another 540 questionnaires were applied again. The data of a total of 540 pre-training and 540 post-training students were recorded in terms of their eating habits, regular breakfast and healthy food selection before and after the study. The body parameters according to gender (height, weight, BMI) show normality with the percentile values formed in Turkish children. The percentages of the answers given by the students to the questions before and after the training are given under each question category. A significant difference was detected between the habits of not having breakfast according to gender (P=0.021) (P


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