Improving The Quality Of Reproductive Heath Service:   Quality in reproductive health services is an individual-centered approach that is based on the right to receive high quality care - which is the key element of reproductive health and family planning services. In the Population and Development Conference (1994), reproduction and rightsregarding it had been defined as "one's having a satisfactory and safe reproductive life, and having the freedom to decide when and how often to use this capacity". Many studies have shown that the rate of contraceptive use increased and the rate of unplanned pregnancies decreased asattempts to develop reproductive health services are made. Assessment of the quality of services offered in the reproductive health domain is an extensive approach that takes into consideration both the employed program and its ability to produce desired results. In order to establish highquality services; reproductive health services should be widely available, the personnel offering these services should have adequate knowledge and skills, care should be taken when providing these services, and continuous in-service education and standardization should be ensured.Key Words: Reproductive health, Improving of quality , Quality care
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