Darülfünun ' da bir felsefe hocası : Mehmet Emin Erişirgil

A philosophy lecturer in Dar al-Funun : Mehmet Emin Erişirgil

Mehmet Emin Erişirgü (1891-1965) was one of the prominent actors who paved way for a circle of philosophy and thought in the period of republic. His lectures and publications at the university on the one hand, and his publications in the periodicals addressing people on the other were always oriented toward an understanding of contemporary concepts and ideas in his country. Having this approach, he took place among the ones who tried to create an intellectual atmosphere that the Republican generations needed. When one looks at the academic and intellectual life of Mehmet Emin from a holistic perspective, it can be inferred that he always took side with knowing, understanding, interpreting and even compromising universal values with the national ones.Among the philosophers who were the subjects of his writings, lessons and books could be mentioned the ones such as Descartes, Leibniz, Kant, Nietzsche, Boutroux, James, Dewey, Bergson and Socrates. He did not study those philosophers with an interest or methodology of a lecturer who lectured only on the history of philosophy. He tried to derive from each philosopher the thought that the society needed. His studies were aimed at understanding the philosophical foundations of Western civilization and introducing them to Turkey. By knowing, analyzing, questioning the ideology and values on which the Western civilization flourished, he aimed at a Republican Turkey uniting with and even redeveloping those values without being trapped in imitation and alienation.


  • Erişirgil, M. E., "Fichte ve Alimlerin Vazifesi", Darülfünun Edebiyat Fakültesi Mecmuası, C.l, S.1,1922, s.81-92
  • Erişirgil, M. E., "Emile Boutroux ve Felsefesi I ve II", Dergah, C.2, S.18-19, 1922
  • Erişirgil, M. E., "Felsefe Neşriyatında Bir Terakki Hatvesi", Mihrab, C.l, S.3, 1923, s.25-27
  • Erişirgil, M. E., (1923b), İki Tarz-ı Rüyet İki Tarz-ı Tefekkür, Milli Mecmua, C.l, S.2. s.21-23
  • Erişirgil, M. E., "Friedrich Nietzsche ve Bir Marifet Nazariyesi", Darülfünun Edebiyat Fakültesi Mecmuası, C.4, S.5,1925, s.338-363
  • Erişirgil, M. E., "Muasır Feylesoflara Göre İlim ve Din", Darülfünun İlahiyat Fakültesi Mecmuası, C.l, S.l, 1925, s.167-182
  • Erişirgil, M. E., "John Dewey'in Felsefesi", Demokrasi ve Terbiye, çev. Avni Başman, Devlet Matbaası, İstanbul 1928
  • Erişirgil, M. E., Sokrat, Kanaat Kütüphanesi, İstanbul 1931
  • Erişirgil, M. E.; Kant ve Felsefesi, İnsan Yayınları, İstanbul 1997
  • Erişirgil, M. E., Descartes ve Kartezyenler, (Haz. Erdoğan Erbay ve Ali Utku), Çizgi Kitapevi, Konya 2006; Darülfünun Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Şubesi Yayınlarından, Darülfünun Matbaası, İstanbul 1337/1921
  • Erişirgil, M. E. "Leibniz", Descartes ve Kartezyenler, (Haz. Erdoğan Erbay ve Ali Utku), Çizgi Kitapevi, Konya 2006; Darülfünun Edebiyat Fakültesi Felsefe Şubesi Yayınlarından, Darülfünun Matbaası, İstanbul 1337/1921
  • Hilmi Ziya Ülken Türkiye'de Çağdaş Düşünce Tarihi, Ahmet Sait Matbaası, İstanbul 1966