What is Important in The Diagnose of Orbital Varix?

Orbital venöz varisler sistemik venöz ağ ile bağlantılı geniş tübüler kanallardır. orbital apeksin intrakonal alanında yerleşmiş nadir görülen (tüm orbital tümörlerin %1,3'ünden daha az) lezyonlardır. Orbital venöz varis şüphesinde Valsalva manevrası yaparak pron pozisyonda MR görüntüleme tanı koymada yardımcıdır

What is Important in The Diagnose of Orbital Varix?

Orbital venous varices are large tubular venous channels which generally have direct connection with the systemic venous system. Orbital venous varices are rare entity (less than 1, 3% of all orbital tumors) of orbital tumors, which often located in the intraconal area of orbital apex In suspicion of orbital venous varices, performing prone position with Valsalva maneuver during MRI examination will be helpful to the radiologist to diagnose the orbital venous varices.


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