Editorial Vol2 No1

Editorial Vol2 No1

Dear researchers,It is very exciting to present a new issue of our e-journal, entitled EJESS [European Journal of Educational & Social Sciences], [October 2017], to the interdisciplinary literature. Every issue provides new ambitions and motivation for us to reach a better journal.EJESS aims to present original research on educational and social sciences in an interdisciplinary perspective covering sociology, education, psychology, politics, theology, anthropology, literature, linguistics, philosophy, history, human geography etc. The journal also seeks for opportunities to broaden its partners, reviewers and organizations. EJESS supports Eurasian Conference on Language and Social Sciences (ECLSS), as a trigger to reach enlarged context. Papers utilizing and/or following interdisciplinary perspectives are highly welcomed and encouraged. It is of interest and open to all researchers, academics, and those people concerned with mediating research findings to practitioners. Within this perspective and vision, this present issue includes five papers from diverse settings. Dawadi, in her research paper, titled “Language learning strategies profiles of EFL learners in Nepal” focuses on learning strategies of university students in Nepal. The author emphasizes that EFL learners mostly utilize metacognitive strategies in Nepal. Kalinowska and Borowska-Beszta, in their paper entitle “The Eight Dark Side Patterns of building bonds between undergraduate students of special education and adults with intellectual disabilities: Qualitative research report”, seek answers for a question: “What are the dark sides of the process of building bonds between undergraduate students and adults with intellectual disabilities?” The third paper by Akbolat, Durmuş, Ünal, et al. Examine the organizational image perceptions of patients in healthcare organizations in Turkey. The authors focus on the relationship between organizational climate and commitment as well. As for the fourth paper in this issue, Ertin presents the historical development of tourism and recreational acitivites in Prince Islands, in her paper entitled “Development of tourism and recreational activities in Istanbul Islands”.The last paper, by Gaye Ertin, emphasizes the connection between water resources and civilizations and then highlights that concerns water and civilization does not seem to have acquired the value it deserves at the archaeology departments of universities.We hope that the issues of our journal shall contribute to the field of interdisciplinary research literature. We thank to the journal editors, authors, reviewers and all the others who have contributed to the preparation process of this issue.  Hope to meet you in next issues.  Ivo Carneiro de SOUSA (Prof. Dr.)  Editor-in-Chief


  • De Sousa, I. C. (2017). Editorial. European Journal of Educational & Social Sciences, 2(2).