Development of tourism and recreational activities in Istanbul Islands

Development of tourism and recreational activities in Istanbul Islands

The influence of the tourism movements started in mid 19th century in Europe as modern sense, reached the Prince Islands, which is very close to Istanbul, almost at the same time it reached the world. Tourism and recreational activities in the islands have become evident by the transformation of small-scale residential areas, which were permanent residents and not yet associated with tourism before, into use for tourism. As tourism and recreational activities are linked with the sea, developmental changes are mostly visible on the coastline. Tourism in the islands has begun to develop during the period when physical attractions are not influenced by special facilities. In this period, the most obvious effect of physical attractiveness of tourism and recreational activities towards the island is that the air of the islands is good for some diseases. As Islands are visited by the most important statesmen of Turkey, they became popular among Turkish society and investments increase during this period as it was during Ottoman Empire period. Last period which includes the time extending from 1980's to today, the tourism and recreational activities of the islands constantly developed, just like in the past years, only paused for a short while.


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