Influence of soil properties on yield and quality of tobacco plant in Akhisar region of Turkey

The research was carried out in Akhisar environs where tobacco was very popular in the period of 2004-2005. In this study, 9 fields were selected which are known to show differences in terms of the quality and efficiency in the villages called Hacıosmanlar Arabacıbozköy, Dereköy, Mecidiye and Süleymanlı. In order to find out the differences caused by the efficiency, the some properties of soils were examined. The relationships between yield and quality of tobacco and some soil properties were determined by correlation tests. After two years of the study, total alkoloid (nicotine), total reducing sugar, total nitrogen, and raw ash were measured as 0.126-1.410%, 7.81-33.71%, 0.45-3.24 %, 8.49-30.01%, respectively. The yield and total reducing sugar were decreased by increasing bulk density as an important soil property. On the other side raw ash content of tobacco increased. It is recommended that low raw ash and high sugar content are required for tobacco quality. With this content, The yield and quality of tobacco can increase with taken some necessary measurement for decreasing bulk density. The nicotin content of tobacco increased with increasing available Mg, Na and Cu content in soil. On the other side, the raw ash content in tobacco decreased with increasing total salt and available Fe, Zn and Mn in soil. It was determined that there was a positif relationship between salt in soil and reducing sugar in soil which is another quality factor for tobacco. In the research, some results were reached as mentioned above.  However, further studies must be carried out in the next years to determine relationships between soil properties and yield and quality of tobacco. It can be possible to improve yield and quality of tobacco with using these relations for producers.


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