Pedogenetic characterization and classification of forest soils in the Central Middle Atlas (Morocco)

The study was carried out in the forests of the Central Middle Atlas where the soils have a Mediterranean character. The forest formations found include resinous species such as on Atlas cedar (Cedrus atlantica) and maritime mountain pine (Pinus pinaster), and deciduous species of green oak (Quercus rotundifolia) and zeen oak (Quercus canariensis). The morphological description of soils’ genetic horizons was based on the opening of soil pedons in the forest formations composing the studied area. Then, physical and chemical characterization of the studied soils was analyzed. According to the Commission of Pedology and Soil Mapping (CPCS, 1967) principles and those of the international system of classification, nomenclature and soil mapping used by FAO (2015), three types of soils were identified as dominant in these forests, namely, the class of browned soils, iron sesquioxide soils and calcimagnesic soils. As a result, they differ in their responses to management practices, their inherent ability to deliver ecosystem services, as well as their resilience to disturbance and vulnerability to degradation.


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