The Effect of Single Dose Teriparatide Administration on the Early Healing Period of Bone Defects Created in the Rat Mandibular
The Effect of Single Dose Teriparatide Administration on the Early Healing Period of Bone Defects Created in the Rat Mandibular
Bone grafts are widely used in the repair of bone tissue. In recent years, studies on the use of biomaterials have became popular
in order to increase the efficiency of bone grafts. In this study, the effects of local teriparatide used in different doses on bone
healing were evaluated.
Materials - Methods
In this study, 30 male Spraque-Dawley rats were used and they were divided into 5 groups, 6 each. A critical sized defect of 5 mm
in diameter was created in the mandible. Defects in Group 1 were left empty. Particulate autograft was applied to the defects
in Group 2. Group 3 was applied allograft. In Groups 4 and 5, 20 μg and 40 μg teriparatide were administered with the allograft,
respectively. At the postoperative 4th week, the anesthesia dose was doubled and euthanasia was performed. The samples were
taken out in one piece and evaluated histomorphometrically.
While the amount of newly formed bone tissue (0.28±0.01 mm2) and the number of osteoblasts (41.67±1.56) were significantly
lower in Group 1, these values were found in Group 5 (0.79±0.01 mm2), (77.72±3.06) is significantly higher. The findings in Group
4, in which teriparatide was used (0.72±0.01 mm2, 72±4.26), were significantly higher than Group 3 and Group 2. The amount of
new bone formation (0.48 mm2) and the number of osteoblasts (54.17±1.99) were significantly higher in Group 3 than Group 2
(0.39±0.01 mm2, 50±1.4).
As a result, it was observed that teriparatide, which was used locally in two different doses, significantly increased bone healing
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