Diagnostic Handicap: RHABDOMYOSARCOMA

Diagnostic Handicap: RHABDOMYOSARCOMA

Introduction: Rhabdomyosarcoma is a malignant tumor of childhood. It arises from mesenchymal cells differentiating into skeletal muscle. Case-Report: A 17-year-old female patient referred to our institution, biopsy was taken from wound area thought to have developed due to traumatic occlusion in the left cheek and sent for histopathological evaluation. In the postoperative 1st week, a growth of approximately 4 cm was observed in relevant tissue. Since histopathological examination came with diagnosis of “granulation tissue”, he was called for a control one week later. It was observed that the growth increased to 8 cm in 2nd week. In the second biopsy, samples were taken from different parts of tissue. Histopathological report this time was concluded as “Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma”. Conclusion: If the patient was sent with the diagnosis of cheek bite with a treatment protocol including preventive nutrition and restorative arrangements, rhabdomyosarcoma would not be diagnosed at an early stage.


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