Effect of Psyllium Husk Based Dietetic Cookies on Hematologial Parameters of Normal and Hypercholesterolemic Subjects

Effect of Psyllium Husk Based Dietetic Cookies on Hematologial Parameters of Normal and Hypercholesterolemic Subjects

Dietary fiber plays key role in the normal physiology of human. Psyllium husk is gaining attention as functional diet ingredient against hypercholesterolemia and its allied discrepancies. Cookies prepared with psyllium husk supplementation were administered to normal and hypercholesterolemic patients in Trial-I and II. The objective was to efficacy and safety of psyllium husk as diet supplement in the human subjects. Results for hematological tests depicted safe range in allied parameters i.e. platelets count, ESR, red blood cells and white blood cells indices. It is interesting to mention that the ESR of hypercholestrolemic subjects was momentously affected by using therapeutic diet (T4) as it was reduced to 5.61 and 6.98% in Trial-I & II, respectively. From the current explorations it is concluded that psyllium husk based cookies (supplemented with 20% psyllium husk) have potential to be used as a functional ingredient against the menace of hypercholestolemia. 


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