Western Media and Body Image Dissatisfaction in Young Women in Developing Nations

Western Media and Body Image Dissatisfaction in Young Women in Developing Nations

Purpose: This review systematically analyzed BIDamong young women of developing nations afterthese women’s consumption of Western media. Weexplored changes in women’s exposure to Westernmedia alongside changes in body imagedissatisfaction and eating disorders. Reoccurringthemes of internalization across populations ofwomen are discussed.Method: Multiple databases were used in our searchfor relevant research which included information onbody image dissatisfaction, eating disorders, Westernmedia, and the experiences of young women.Ultimately, given the extant research and specificinterests of the current study, body image dissatisfaction was explored within the followingten nations: Turkey, India, China, South Africa, Belize, Zimbabwe, Malaysia, Iran, Oman, andFiji.Results: Many of the identified research studies included secondary and post-secondary studentsas their sample. Results lend further support for the association between Western media andbody image dissatisfaction and eating disorders across cultures and developing nations.Internalizing thin ideals into a woman’s current cultural beauty schema, her amount ofexposure, and her socioeconomic status emerged as important predictors of body imagedissatisfaction.Implications for Research and Practice: Results of the current study suggest that youngwomen of developing nations may associate the thin ideals portrayed in Western media withfinancial success. This association warrants further exploration and could inform moreculturally sensitive interventions. An attempt to understand the importance of culturaldifferences and similarities would be a progressive step in identifying appropriatemechanisms on which interventions might act to prevent internalizing harmful aspects of thebeauty ideals presented in Western media


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