Pre-School and Primary School Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitudes towards Using Technology in Music Education

Pre-School and Primary School Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitudes towards Using Technology in Music Education

Purpose: The present study aims to develop a validand reliable scale that measures attitude towardsusing technology in music education and toinvestigate pre-school and primary school preservice teachers’ attitudes towards using technologyin music education concerning their demographicvariables and musical experiences.Research Methods: A total of 640 students studyingin pre-school and primary education departments ata public university in Turkey participated in thisresearch (N=640). Data were collected using aquestionnaire for collecting the demographicinformation and the musical background of therespondents in addition to Attitude towards UsingTechnology in Music Education Scale, which wasdeveloped by the researchers in this study.Findings: Analyses resulted in an 8-item Attitude towards Using Technology in MusicEducation Scale with a Cronbach’s α of 0.931. Confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated astatistically significant model fit to the data with six indices indicating a good fit and threeindicating a substantial fit. Attitude towards using technology in music education did notshow any significant difference concerning gender and musical background. However,primary school pre-service teachers had a more positive attitude than those of pre-school preservice teachers. Finally, age correlated with the attitude towards using technology in musiceducation.


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