Pre-School Teachers’ Classroom Management Competency and The Factors Affecting Their Understanding of Discipline

Pre-School Teachers’ Classroom Management Competency and The Factors Affecting Their Understanding of Discipline

Purpose: This research was carried out to determinethe classroom management competency and thelevels of perception of understanding of discipline among preschool teachers, the effect of their classroommanagementcompetencyand understanding of discipline on child-teacher relationship, the relationship between interpersonal problem-solving and liking of children, the student- teacher relationship and the predictive power of interpersonal problem-solving and liking of childrenin teachers’ classroom management competency andunderstanding of discipline.Research Methods: The research was designed using single and correlational survey designsand the sample included 180 preschool teachers working at public and private preschools.Research data was collected using the “Scale of Classroom Management Competency Levels”,“Teacher’s Understanding of Discipline Scale”, “Interpersonal Problem-Solving Inventory”,“Barnett Liking of Children Scale” and “Teacher-Student Relationship Scale”. Findings: Theresults revealed that 81% of the teachers need to be supported in terms of classroommanagement and %55 of them in terms of understanding of discipline. The results showedthat professional seniority, negative attitude towards problems and liking of children are thevariables that predict strict/over-controlling understanding of discipline, and the constructiveproblem solving and the discipline based on understanding of equity are the variables thatpredict their classroom management competency. Implications for Research and Practice:Teachers’ development about interpersonal problem-solving skills must be supported as wellas their pedagogical knowledge about classroom management. It is suggested that teachers’classroom management competencies should be increased and their understanding ofdiscipline should be developed via education seminars.


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Eurasian Journal of Educational Research-Cover
  • ISSN: 1302-597X
  • Başlangıç: 2015
  • Yayıncı: Anı Yayıncılık
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