Role of anthropology towards a global culture, a culture for coexistence, dialogue, and symbiosis: a theoretical reflection

Role of anthropology towards a global culture, a culture for coexistence, dialogue, and symbiosis: a theoretical reflection

Anthropology is a systematic and scientific study of humanity with the goal of comprehending the world's vast cultural diversity. Cultural anthropology is hallmarked by the concept of culture itself revealing new possibilities and answers to our cultural challenges in the new millennium. The relevance of this article is conditioned by the need to analyze the cultural factors responsible for almost complete misunderstanding and breakdown among diverse cultural, religious, racial, and ethnic groups. The consequences often lead to a collapse in intercultural communication, and deterioration in intercultural relationships in an increasingly integrated world creating a major challenge globally. This piece deals with how these inappropriate cultural factors can be changed by proving facts that confirm existing, predominantly negative mental images against the out-groups proposing an alternative solution or possibility that would be more culturally appropriate to promote a culture of peace for the sake of restoring stability and harmony worldwide. It argues that certain types of learning, interethnic and intercultural communication, and rapports can remove, and counteract such unjust phenomena and establish a just and participatory society. Finally, it examines cultural relativism, its theoretical strength, its social and ethical usefulness, and its intellectual coherence helpful to prevent growing cultural intolerance globally.


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