Animal utilization from Iron Age site of Elbistan Karahöyük, East Mediterranean, Turkey

Animal utilization from Iron Age site of Elbistan Karahöyük, East Mediterranean, Turkey

This paper presents the result of recent zooarchaeological analyses from the excavations of Elbistan Karahöyük in Southeast Turkey. Zooarchaeological data have been evaluated into conventional methods of analysis. This has contributed to better understanding of the local diet, consumption preferences, and Iron Age subsistence strategies. In addition, animal bone studies provide information about socio politic and economic alterations. After the collapse of Hittite Empire, it is known that the social and economic changes but as yet in order to see whether there is any evidence from Karahöyük that to show a major changes or recognition of the animal economy during the Iron Ages. Excavations undertaken at Karahöyük 2017-2018-2019 have yielded 2,212 identified animal bone remains from the Iron Age levels (Early, Middle and Late Iron Ages). The material consists mainly of domestic livestock (sheep, goat, cattle, and pig), dogs, equids (horse, donkey) and minor number of wild mammals (wolf, fox, hare, badger, and birds) presented in faunal assemblage as well. Skeletal element distribution, dental age profile and the fusion stages are generated.


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