The State of EFL Teacher Education in Turkey: from Past to Present

The State of EFL Teacher Education in Turkey: from Past to Present

Being a time-consuming practice, EFL teacher education is a prominent issue to be considered while making long-term policies. In such a globalized setting with such a fast-growing technology, this issue is currently perceived to be more than a requirement as a result of the power of English as a global language. In lieu of this, the necessity of a prosperous EFL teacher education depends heavily on a program worth and meritable. While we see a number of adequate developments in the history of EFL teacher education in Turkey, these developments seem to be insufficient. So, in a world where EFL continuously promotes significance, nearly every country try to power up their EFL teachers− based on both their short and long-term needs. Therefore, within this study, the state of EFL teacher education in Turkey is examined in a chronological order. To achieve this, document analysis technique was employed through investigating the existing records and documents. Conclusions and pedagogical implications of the findings are discussed in the study.


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