Keystones of research: epistemological and ontological analysis of educational studies

Keystones of research: epistemological and ontological analysis of educational studies

In educational research, it is vital for researchers to have an underlying philosophy and to shape their studies in the borders of a framework. Epistemological and ontological views of the researchers are the key factors affecting the process of research design. Researchers’ perceptions about knowledge and reality are important not only in shaping their research but also reporting the way they use in their research paper. Therefore, this study is designed as an in-depth epistemological and ontological analysis of three selected studies based upon the English Language Teaching classes. For the analysis part, especially the table (see Appendix) reporting different research approaches with different epistemological and ontological views by Guba and Lincoln (1994) were employed. The conclusion drawn from the analysis of these three studies indicate that researchers conduct their studies by basing on one framework or theoretical approach, which best suits for the nature of their research in accordance with the aim of the inquiry.


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