GSE in Action: An Anadolian Approach to Outcome-Based Language Teaching

GSE in Action: An Anadolian Approach to Outcome-Based Language Teaching

GSE in Action: An Anadolian Approach to Outcome-Based Language Teaching is the product of voluntary teacher initiation, which offers practical activities for English classrooms. This is the one and only book having an outcome-based approach in developing activities that are based on the relationship between theory and practice. The pedagogical practices -all experimented in real classroom settings-  in the book are relevant to foreign language teaching from different ages and educational settings. As English is taught in a foreign language setting in Turkey, it is of crucial importance to share a book created by language teachers living and mostly educated in that setting with the other colleagues and researchers in the field.  Furthermore, it introduces an alternative standard in English language learning and teaching: Global Scale of English, which might help curriculum developers and/or decision makers in the field of education.