Exploring pre-service English language teachers’ locus of control orientations

Exploring pre-service English language teachers’ locus of control orientations

This study aimed to investigate pre-service English language teachers’ locus of control orientations in relation to academic achievement, grade level, and gender. The study, which adopted survey methodology design, was carried out with 155 pre-service English language teachers studying in the first and fourth grades in ELT department at Çanakkale Onsekiz Mart University during 2016-2017 Academic Year Spring Term. Locus of Control Scale (LCS) was used in order to gather data. The data were analyzed through various statistical procedures, namely descriptive statistics, frequencies, paired samples t-test, independent samples t-test, and One-Way ANOVA. The analysis of the data indicated that the participants had greater internal locus of control orientations. However, there were no statistically significant differences in participants’ locus of control with respect to investigated variables. In the light of these findings, this study offers some suggestions for further research and points to some implications for teacher educators.


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