English language teachers’ evaluation of a belief elicitation technique

English language teachers’ evaluation of a belief elicitation technique

In this small-scale study an adapted version of a repertory grid as proposed by Donaghue (2003) was used as a tool to elicit the teacher beliefs of six English teachers working at a Turkish private middle school. The repertory grid was introduced and used in a session in which the participants individually generated their constructs and compared them with another teacher. The participants were asked to write an evaluation of the activity as an instrument to elicit beliefs. Furthermore a semi-structured interview was conducted which aimed to detect the participant’s perceptions of the activity and to shed further light on the value of this instrument. Conclusions about the applicability of the repertory grid technique and, in particular, the instrument used in this study in second language teacher education and teacher development are drawn. Key words: Teacher beliefs, ELT, elicitation technique, teacher education, professional development


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  • Appendix A: Repertory Grid Cons A con A con A w A learn Your teac Your teac