Effects of Online Differentiated Reading on Reading Comprehension and Learner Autonomy of Young Learners

Effects of Online Differentiated Reading on Reading Comprehension and Learner Autonomy of Young Learners

The major purpose of this study was to determine the effects of online differentiated reading on comprehension skills and learner autonomy of young learners at a private college in İstanbul, Turkey. The researcher also attempted to explore the perceptions of the participants, who were 72 young learners from 3 fifth grade classes and 3 EFL (English as a Foreign Language) teachers. Data were gathered from pre-post-tests of reading comprehension and learner autonomy, semi-structured student interview and reflective teacher journals. The results demonstrated that the implementation resulted in better comprehension skills and boosted learner autonomy. It was also revealed that the participants found online differentiated reading quite beneficial.


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