Content Analysis of Abstracts on ELT Research Available in Turkish JournalPark Academic Platform

Content Analysis of Abstracts on ELT Research Available in Turkish JournalPark Academic Platform

This study investigates the tendency in research on ELT via content analysis of the abstracts of publications available in Turkish JournalPark Academic (DergiPark Akademik) platform which is a national journal management and publication system that is home to more than 2000 journals and over 326000 articles. Qualitative research method was carried out. The input for the search query that constituted the data for this study was “English Language Teaching”. The resulting 234 articles’ abstracts were examined using an “Article Information Rubric”. The data analysis procedure was carried out by examining each section such as availability of abstract, not stated in abstract, distribution of themes, availability of samples, distribution of sample, availability of sampling, distribution type of sampling, etc. for each abstract. The findings revealed that data analysis (f=125), type of sampling (f=110), research design (f=108) were mostly found to be not stated in abstracts. Moreover, ELT researchers studied mostly teacher education, curriculum and teaching materials, and language teaching. Undergraduates (f=130) were the most frequent sample. Purposive (f=79) and random (f=23) sampling types were found to be the most utilized types. The implications and suggestions drawn based on the findings of the study are presented in the conclusion part. 


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