Action research: video-assisted written constructivist feedback of ELT student teachers in micro-teaching sessions

Action research: video-assisted written constructivist feedback of ELT student teachers in micro-teaching sessions

Language teacher education programs and research on effective teacher education programs highlight the importance of micro-teaching technique (Kumaradivelu, 2012). Feedback sessions following microteaching practices provide opportunity for professional development of student teachers. However, literature on effective feedback sessions following micro-teaching experiences in ELT departments in Turkish context is limited. This action research is conducted to find out effectiveness of video-assisted written constructivist feedback sessions following microteaching practices on increasing student teachers’ participation in feedback provision and on altering their perceptions towards these feedback sessions. Constant comparison method of content analysis was conducted on the qualitative data gathered from 40 student teachers in ELT department at a state university. The results of the 6-week implementation indicate effectiveness of these feedback sessions. It was found out that student teachers’ participation increased, and their perceptions towards providing and receiving feedback turned into positive. Thus, the results of the study implicate a video-assisted written constructivist feedback sessions following the microteaching performances to enable student teachers provide and receive more effective feedback.


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