The Theoretical Evaluation For The Use of Vanadium (Iii) Oxyhydroxide For The Electrochemical Determination of Benzodiazepines

The theoretical evaluation for the use of vanadium (III) oxyhydroxide as an electrode modifier for benzodiazepines’ electrochemical determination in acid solutions has been made. The correspondent mathematical model has been developed and analyzed by means of the linear stability theory and bifurcation analysis. It was shown that VO(OH) may be an efficient electrode modifier for the benzodiazepines electrochemical determination in lightly and moderately acid solution. Its use in concentrated acidic solution may be compromised by modifier destruction. The oscillatory behavior in this system may be caused not only by the DEL influences of the electrochemical stage, but also by surface instabilities, caused by VO(OH) dissolution.


The theoretical evaluation for the use of vanadium (III) oxyhydroxide as an electrode modifier for benzodiazepines’ electrochemical determination in acid solutions has been made. The correspondent mathematical model has been developed and analyzed by means of the linear stability theory and bifurcation analysis. It was shown that VO(OH) may be an efficient electrode modifier for the benzodiazepines electrochemical determination in lightly and moderately acid solution. Its use in concentrated acidic solution may be compromised by modifier destruction. The oscillatory behavior in this system may be caused not only by the DEL influences of the electrochemical stage, but also by surface instabilities, caused by VO(OH) dissolution.


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