Women and Economic Development in Turkey: An Empirical Analysis

After the industrial revolution, the role of women in the economy has increased all over the world. .The phenomenon of globalization has further increased the role of women in the economy.  Turkey is no exception to this development. Especially in the last two decades, the labour force participation rate of women in Turkey shows a significant increase. The education level and rate of women has increased in the same way.  This study examines the role of women on economic growth of Turkey and covers the years 1991-2018. In this period, the relationships between women's labour force participation rates and economic growth in Turkey were examined empirically using VAR and Granger Causality methods. The findings show a positive relationship was observed between female labour force participation and economic growth.
Anahtar Kelimeler:

VAR analysis, Women, Development

Women and Economic Development in Turkey: An Empirical Analysis

After the industrial revolution, the role of women in the economy has increased all over the world. .The phenomenon of globalization has further increased the role of women in the economy.  Turkey is no exception to this development. Especially in the last two decades, the labour force participation rate of women in Turkey shows a significant increase. The education level and rate of women has increased in the same way.  This study examines the role of women on the economic growth of Turkey and covers the years 1991-2018. In this period, the relationships between women's labour force participation rates and economic growth in Turkey were examined empirically using VAR and Granger Causality methods. The findings show a positive relationship was observed between female labour force participation and economic growth.


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