Foster Family Services in Turkey with a Legal Approach

Since the first years of history, the provision of care services for children in need of protection is one of the most important issues of social policy. The care and protection of children in need of protection is primarily the responsibility of their own family. However, in case the family of parents cannot fulfill this task against the child, this task belongs to the state as a requirement of being a social law state. The state performs this task through institutional maintenance-based methods. One of the alternative care services that enable children under institution care to grow in a will not look for the family environment is foster family. The purpose of this study, which is considered in a theoretical framework, is to consider “foster family service” implemented in our country within a legal framework. In foster family service, children in scope institutional care are given to another self-family until their family conditions improve. Therefore, foster family service is a significant application for the healthy development of children in need of protection.

Foster Family Services in Turkey with a Legal Approach

Since the first years of history, the provision of care services for children in need of protection is one of the most important issues of social policy. The care and protection of children in need of protection is primarily the responsibility of their own family. However, in case the family of parents cannot fulfill this task against the child, this task belongs to the state as a requirement of being a social law state. The state performs this task through institutional maintenance-based methods. One of the alternative care services that enable children under institution care to grow in a will not look for the family environment is foster family. The purpose of this study, which is considered in a theoretical framework, is to consider “foster family service” implemented in our country within a legal framework. In foster family service, children in scope institutional care are given to another self-family until their family conditions improve. Therefore, foster family service is a significant application for the healthy development of children in need of protection.


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