A S tudy on Usability of National Regis tered Durum Wheat Cultivars for Synthetic Bread Wheat Production

A S tudy on Usability of National Regis tered Durum Wheat Cultivars for Synthetic Bread Wheat Production

The present s tudy was conducted in Agricultural Research Ins titute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Martonvásár,Hungary, from 7th September 2015 to 31s t July 2016, and aimed to evaluate the crossabilities of 6 Triticum durum (Ç-1252,Kızıltan, Altıntaş, Dumlupınar Yelken and Kunduru) with 6 Aegilops tauschii (MVGB605, MVGB1323, MVGB589,CIMMYT224, CIMMYT372 and CIMMYT458). Triticum durum and Aegilops tauschii parents had been successfullygrown, and the desired number of spikes had been emasculated and pollinated (total 171 spikes). Total 34 combinationswere made and 164 embryos were obtained from 19 combinations among them. There were no embryos in 15 combinations.Number of maximum embryo rescue was obtained from Yelken/MVGB589 combination (24 embryos). It was followedby Kızıltan/MVGB589, Ç-1252/MVGB589 and Ç-1252/2T combinations (16, 13 and 11 embryos, respectively). 70germinated plants were obtained from 164 embryos in B-5 medium (in petri dishes). 94 embryos were not germinated.A total of 29 germinated embryos died in two B-5 medium (petri dish and tube). Some older and younger tillers diedafter colchicine treatment. However, we had new shooting tillers. According to results, the bes t females were Yelkenand Ç-1252 among Triticum durums, while the bes t male MVGB589, CIMMYT224 and MVGB1323 among Aegilopstauschiis, respectively.


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