Political parties are among the building blocks of democracy. In countries with democratic regimes, general elections are held at certain periods. All political parties in these elections demand to have a voice in ruling the country. Political parties prepare election manifestos to win the elections. These manifestos include issues such as economy, social policy and social services, foreign and domestic politics, treasury, law, justice, education, sports, culture, local development, employment, production and environment. Thus, political parties share the policies they will follow when they become the ruling party. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the educational policies that political parties put into their election manifestos, to examine the issues that are seen as problematic by party managers and as well as the solutions that are offered towards these issues. Document analysis, a qualitative design technique, was used in the study. Political parties focus on such issues as diversification of education, development of education infrastructure and improvement of educational quality in their manifestos. It is seen that the promises in the educational parts of election declarations are far from solving the growing problems of education. The need to be analyzed continuously with new projects within a consensus of the parties.


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