Comparing the Financial Performance of Banks in Turkey By Using Promethee Method
The present study aims to compare the financial performance of state-owned banks, private banks and foreign banks in Turkey for pre-crisis and post-crisis period by using the PROMETHEE (Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluations) method. In the study, banks are analyzed between 2006 and 2012 years. In order to determine the effects of the recent financial crisis time period is divided into two: pre-crisis period (2006-2008) and post crisis (2009-2012) periods. In the study 5 main and 12 sub- financial ratios are selected to evaluate the bank performance. The selected ratios are organized into 5 categories (capital, assets, management, earnings and liquidity) in accordance with the CAMEL framework. The deposit banks are ranked based on their financial performance for both before and after the crisis. Research results reveal that state-owned banks were affected significantly by the recent financial crisis. State-owned banks were selected as the best alternative for 2006-2008 period. But for 2009-2012 period state-owned banks went down to the last position whereas the foreign banks went up to first position.
Comparing the Financial Performance of Banks in Turkey By Using Promethee Method
The present study aims to compare the financial performance of state-owned banks, private banks and foreign banks in Turkey for pre-crisis and post-crisis period by using the PROMETHEE (Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluations) method. In the study, banks are analyzed between 2006 and 2012 years. In order to determine the effects of the recent financial crisis time period is divided into two: pre-crisis period (2006-2008) and post crisis (2009-2012) periods. In the study 5 main and 12 sub- financial ratios are selected to evaluate the bank performance. The selected ratios are organized into 5 categories (capital, assets, management, earnings and liquidity) in accordance with the CAMEL framework. The deposit banks are ranked based on their financial performance for both before and after the crisis. Research results reveal that state-owned banks were affected significantly by the recent financial crisis. State-owned banks were selected as the best alternative for 2006-2008 period. But for 2009-2012 period state-owned banks went down to the last position whereas the foreign banks went up to first position.
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