Adult Patient Cancer Statistics of Mardin Province

Some types of cancer are more common in some regions. The data in Turkey are recorded with the cancer registry system but this data does not cover all cities. This study aimed to investigate the clinical and demographic characteristics of oncology patients admitted to Mardin State Hospital. The records of patients, who admitted to Mardin State Hospital Medical Oncology Clinic between 2014 -2018, were retrospectively reviewed. Patients over 18 years of age were included in the study. Gender, diagnosis and disease stages of the patients were recorded. The median age of the 1208 patients (654 female and 554 male) was 57 (18-94) years. The median age was 52.25 in women and 60.92 in men. The 5 most common cancers in the whole group were; breast cancer, colorectal cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer and gastric cancer, respectively. In men; the most common types of cancer were; lung, colorectal, prostate, head -neck and gastric cancer. On the other hand in women, the most common types of cancer were breast, colorectal, ovarian, gastric and uterus corpus cancer. The most common presentation stage was stage 4 (n = 416, 34.4%) in the whole group, stage 2 (n = 204, 31.2%) in women and stage 4 (n = 253, 45.7%) in men. Adenocarcinoma was the most common histologic type in both the male and the whole group (female and male) of patients. The most common histological types in women was breast carcinomas (invasive lobular and ductal carcinomas). In this study, the incidence of colorectal cancer in all groups (men, women and total) was higher in Mardin province when compared with Turkey data.


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