Üstün Yetenekli Öğrencilerin Coğrafya Dersine İlişkin Algıları

Özet Bu araştırmanın amacı, üstün yetenekli öğrencilerinin coğrafya dersine ilişkin algılarını metaforlar yardımıyla ortaya çıkarmaktır. Araştırmaya, 2015–2016 eğitim-öğretim yılının güz döneminde Sivas bilim sanat merkezinde 9. ve 10. sınıfta öğrenim gören toplam 63 öğrenci katılmıştır. Araştırma nitel olarak desenlenmiş ve fenomenoloji (olgubilim) yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın verileri, öğrencilerin “coğrafya dersi… gibidir/benzemektedir; çünkü…” cümlesini tamamlamaları istenerek elde edilmiştir. Veriler içerik analizi tekniğiyle çözümlenmiştir. Bulgulara göre katılımcılar coğrafya dersine ilişkin 36 adet metafor üretmişlerdir. Üretilen 36 adet metafor benzer özelliklerine göre 7 farklı kategoride toplanmıştır. Coğrafya dersine yönelik katılımcıların en fazla geliştirdikler metaforlar “Dünya” (f:6), “harita” (f:4), “hayat” (f:4), “yeryüzü şekilleri” (f:4), belgesel (f:4), ağaç (f:3) ve toprak (f:3) olarak sıralanmaktadır. Kategoriler ise sıklık olarak “insan – doğa ve mekân ilişkisi olarak coğrafya dersi” (22,95), “fiziki coğrafyanın sunumu olarak coğrafya dersi” (16,39), “yol gösterici ve yönlendirici olarak coğrafya dersi” (16,39) ve “bilginin kaynağı ve aktarıcısı olarak coğrafya dersi” (14,75) şeklinde sıralanmaktadır. Üstün yetenekli öğrencilerin coğrafya dersine yönelik sahip oldukları olumlu ya da olumsuz algıları ortaya çıkarmak coğrafya derslerinin farklı özellikteki bireylere yönelik etkili bir şekilde verilmesi açısından önemlidir. 

Perceptions of the Gifted Student on the Geography Lesson

Anahtar Sözcükler: Eğitim, Bilim sanat merkezi, Coğrafya dersi, Üstün yetenekliler, Extended Abstract Problem and Purpose: The purpose of this research is to identify with the metaphor of the perception of gifted students in geography lessons. According to Hornby (2000: 803) metaphor is describing and explaining a concept with another word by having same features in a creative and imaginative way. Similarly, the metaphor is also described as an individual mental mapping and modeling and as a powerful mechanism to understand their world and their perception about concepts (Arslan ve Bayrakçı, 2006: 103). In this context, it expected to be beneficial to know the perceptions of gifted students towards geography for researchers in the field, teachers, curriculum designers and other stakeholders. Method: In this study qualitative research design and phenomenological method is employed. The study group consisted of 63 students attending 9th and 10th grade in Sivas Science and Art Center (BİLSEM) during the fall semester of 2015-2016 academic year. Qualitative data collected by asking their metaphor and perception. Then data analyzed by content analysis method. Findings: Participants of the "geography lesson" recorded to develop for 36 metaphors. A large part of the developed metaphor (25) is represented by only one participant. Another 11 metaphors 2-6 are represented by participants. The average number of participants per metaphor is approximately 1.7. When we look at the frequency distribution metaphor for this value among the favorites, “world” (f: 6), “map” (f: 4), “life” (f 4), “landforms” (f: 4), “documentaries” (f: 4), “tree” (f: 3) and “soil” (f: 3) to come. Created metaphors themselves are evaluated in 7 categories. These categories; “Human – nature and geography lessons as space relations” (22.95), “geography lesson as the presentation of physical geography” (16.39), “guiding and directing the geography lesson” (16.39), “the source of knowledge and geography lesson as transmitters” (14.75), “value as a geography lesson” (13,12), “an interdisciplinary fields as geography lesson” (11,48) and “geography as a difficult course” (4.92) ıt is defined as. Conclusions and Recommendations: According to the findings; Participants have produced 36 different metaphors for geography lessons. Those produced frequently from these metaphors World (f: 6), life (f :4), maps (f: 4), landforms (f: 4), documentaries (f: 4), tree (f: 3) and soil (f: 3) it is seen that. These results indicate that the participants, human geography lesson - as the relationship of nature and space (22,95), the presentation of the physical geography (16.39) and guidance and as a router (16.39) they perceive. Gifted students reveal they have a positive or negative perception towards geography lesson is important for individuals with different characteristics in terms of giving a geography lesson. Bringing out the mistakes in the perception of geography course the show producers, It will lead to teachers and other stakeholders. These results provide training to all stakeholders and geography for gifted students (education, training, and assessment methods such as) different studies done on is recommended.