society has been evolving the information society. The changes in the technological, economical, social, political, cultural areas and social life affect the architecture. The transformation has begun with rapid developments in microelectronic and computer technology; a new content and conformation has been emerged in architecture by carrying the design action to computer. There are some architectural rapprochements which are foreground because their different characteristics from conventional buildings and are determined and are introduced as a ‘non-standard’ in the architectural media. These design rapprochements that has pretentious ideas for the architecture of future, has close relations with scientific and technological developments for being non-standard. In this context, in this article under some captions like as ecological architecture, computer architecture, new materials and building systems, genetic architecture; the effects of scientific-technologic studies on architecture at the end of 20th century, the non-standard architectures in contemporary architecture and the utopic architectural rapprochements which can be shape the far future are investigated


In present days, it is a fact that, there is an important transformation in the world and industrial society has been evolving the information society. The changes in the technological, economical, social, political, cultural areas and social life affect the architecture. The transformation has begun with rapid developments in microelectronic and computer technology; a new content and conformation has been emerged in architecture by carrying the design action to computer. There are some architectural rapprochements which are foreground because their different characteristics from conventional buildings and are determined and are introduced as a ‘non-standard’ in the architectural media. These design rapprochements that has pretentious ideas for the architecture of future, has close relations with scientific and technological developments for being non-standard. In this context, in this article under some captions like as ecological architecture, computer architecture, new materials and building systems, genetic architecture; the effects of scientific-technologic studies on architecture at the end of 20th century, the non-standard architectures in contemporary architecture and the utopic architectural rapprochements which can be shape the far future are investigated.


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