Şia ve Mutezile'nin Reddiye Literatürü Üzerine Çalışma

Lügatte ipi sağlamca bükmek, sağlam ve çetin olmak anlamına gelen3 ve içinde husumet ve kelama müracaat manasını bulunduran4 Arapça cedel kelimesi dinî veya. din dışı konularda yapılan diyalog halindeki bütün mücadeleleri ifade eden cins isimdir.5 Terminolojik olarak, meşhur olan veya doğruluğu herkes tarafından kabul edilen önermelere dayanan kıyas; tartışmada
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A Study on the Polemic (Raddiyah) Literature of the Shi'a and Mu’tazilah Sects

We have intended to collect the Raddiyah literature of the main sects of Islam; mainly of the the Sh’iite, and the Mu’tazilite, until the 5/llth century period. The polemics in Islam has a long history, dates back to the death of the Prophet of Islam. With the light the raddiyah literature shed, we wished to find out the earliest compilation of the Raddiyah book and its sect, and the classification of the fields and the classes of these literature And also we have put forward the impacts why these literature has been created. A number of effects can be summed up for the compilation of these literature. Such as: Enjoining the good and prohibiting the evil, the politics, intellectual trends and alien religions, the advent of Philosophy into Islam, and the sectarian struggle. As we have able to discover the method of the raddiyah, it can be summarized as; the dialectical method in dialogical discussions. The scholar first, mentions the opponents’ thought, and evidences which he assumes they are false, and he shows his contradictions, then by presenting his own evidences tries to refute them. Then he puts forward his idea as the most correct one. Both scholars employ the deductive method, which they strive to defend their conclusions reached before the discussion. The earliest raddiyah book was written by Zaid b. Ali (d. 122/739) versus the sects of Murci’ah and Kadariyyah