Rus Misyoner Şarkiyatçılığında İslâm Peygamberi ve Kur’an Hakkında Temsil Biçimleri

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Russian Missionary Orientalist Perceptions on Muhammad and Koran

In 19th century Russian orientalism has also a tendency different from “scientific” one, in the academical centers of St. Petersburg and Moscow. Missionary orientalism is developped in Kazan, in Kazan Ecclesiastical Academy. At this Academy, a key figure, priest Evfimii Malov acted as a fervent anti-Islamic missionary, used polemical method in his missionary activities and made his circle, face- to-face conversations with medrese’s shakirds and mollas. These conversations are mostly religious but also formulated on various themes relating in socio-cultural and political situation of Russian Muslim subjects. Malov’s intellectual discussions with shakirds reveal many problematical points within interreligious relations in Kazan. As a Russian missionary orientalist Evfimii Malov and his diaries which include these shakird conversations’ notes give us an idea, in second half of the 19th century and afterwards, thoughts and aspects, conceptualizations on Islam, and his prophet and evaluation of his historical role