Kelam Düşünce Tarihinde Yaygın Bir Hatanın Tashihi (İn'ikâs-ı Edille) ve Mütekaddimin Kelamı ile Mantık İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Eleştiri

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The Correction of a common wrong in the history of theological thought (in’ikas-i edille) and a critical analyses on the relation between logic and the the earlier muslim theologies

Many scholars researching on the history of Islamic theology (Kalam) frequently reference to İn’ikas-ı edille (When there is no proof there is no object proved ) basing on the informations given by Ibn Khaldun. It is asserted that Muslim Theologians refute that proof after the critics of al-Ghazali. It is commonly accepted that al-Ghazali gave preference to Aristotelian logic in the Islamic theology/Kalam. But in what context he did it so? An answer of this question is uncertain. In this article we will discuss this assertion attributing to the earlier muslim theologions based on Ibn Khaldun is true or not. In addition we will try to make establish the source of this assertion systematically and elaborately and why is it wrong being attributed of this source to the Ash’aries