Ortodoks Kilisesinde Paskalya

5 AA. McArthur, “Easteı”, A Dictionary of Liturgy and Worship, Edt. John Davies, London 1972, 168; ayrıca bkz. Mehmet Katar, “Hıristiyanlıkta Kilise Takviminin (Kilise İçerisindeki Anma ve Kutlama Devrelerinin) Oluşması”, Dini Araştırmalar; Cilt: 3, Sayı: 8, Eylül-Aralık 2000, 27
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Eastern in Orthodox Church

Easter is a time for Christians to celebrate the life and resurrection of Christ. Easter is the greatest Christian feast, prepared for by “lenf and “passiontide” and begun by all-night vigils in many places, East and West. Moreover Easter is the greatest festival of the Orthodox Christian Church, not only because it typifies the resurrection of Jesus, but also because of its association with the resurrection of spring, that season of joy. Perhaps Easter is the most interesting time of all to be Orthodox Churches. Also preeminent among all festivals is Easter, the feast of feasts,which stands in a class by itself. The determination of the date of Easter is governed by a computation based on the vernal equinox and phse of the moon. According to the ruling of the first Ecumenical Synod in Nice in 325, Easter Sunday should fall on the Sunday which follows the first full moon after the vernal equinox. If the full moon happens to fall on a Sunday, Easter is observed the following Sunday. The day taken to be the invariable date of the vernal equinox. In Easter prepared a lot of cooks and eggs by Orthodox believers. Eggs and cakes are traditionally blessed for easier. Orthodox worshippers lit candels during the easter resurrection service. The festal cycle of easter leads the Orthodox Christians through along preparation of rependance and asceticism,which culminates during Holy Week,in the night of the Resurrection