Muhammed İkbal'in Din Felsefesinde Alfred North Whitehead'in Etkisi

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The Impact of Alfred North Whitehead on Ikbal’s Religious Philosophy

This article argues that there is a smilarity between Whitehead s and views. There is a general İmpression among Turkish thinkers that islamic schoolar did not know the western thought very well, either on a personal or a cultural level. But lqbal kown western thought very well. According to M. Saaed, for example, "of about thirty-four western writers from whose works the Allama has quoted, as many as twenty-five were his contemporaries and among these one is to underline the names of Whitehead, Eddington, Wildon. .. " Really, Iqbal 's work The Reconstruction of Religious Thought in Islam referred to and quoted from Whitehead 's works, espessially his cosmology and religious understanding. My purpose is to prove the injluence of Whitehead's views on Iqbal 's thoughts. In this study I concentrate upon their doctrines of God and creativity. When Iqbal talks of God s nature and his attributes, he uses many different expressions, like Whitehead. According to Iqbal, God is an Ego, an ultimate Ego, an All-Inclusive Self... Whitehead also accepts these concepts. Thus,first, both seem to regard the doctrine of God to be the central dogma of religious life. Second, the problem of God is that religious question to which Whitehead and Iqbal give fullest attention in their philosophy