Kelam'da Aklın Epistemolojik Fonksiyonu

Anahtar Kelimeler:


The Epistemological Function of Akl in Kalam

According to the teologians, the necessary knowledge is gained throuhg reason that has also a method of processing knowledge systematically. Thus, the reason in the science of Kalam, besides being a means of gaining knowledge through true informations (haber-i sadık) and sound sense, is one of the means of producing knowledge. Morever, the subject of knowing the judgements of acts is that of an İmportant debate among the teological circles. Until now, the subjects like this and the reason as a means of producing knowledge has been discussed from the different points of views by the teological schools of thoughts like Mu 'tazila, Ashari and Maturidi. In this paper; these and similar matters has been dealt within the framework : of the concepts of goodness and badnees, which were alsa important tecnical concepts in determining the metodologies and the world views of the teological schools