Drive test yöntemi ile elektromanyetik kirlilik haritasının çıkartılması ve ölçüm sonuçlarının değerlendirilmesi

Teknolojinin gelişmesi ile birlikte çevremizdeki elektromanyetik dalga yayan cihazların sayısı gün geçtikçe artmaktadır. Kullanmış olduğumuz elektronik cihazların ortamdaki elektromanyetik kirlilik seviyesini artırdığı bilinen bir gerçektir. Dolayısıyla ortamdaki elektromanyetik kirlilik seviyesinin belirlenmesi insan sağlığı açısından çok büyük bir önem arz etmektedir. Bu çalışma ile “Drive Test Yöntemi” (DTY) ile Diyarbakır il merkezindeki 100 kHz 3 GHz frekans bandındaki elektromanyetik kirlilik seviyesi ölçülmüş ve ölçüm sonuçları sayısal harita üzerinde renkli olarak gösterilmiştir. C++ programlama dilinde yazmış olduğumuz program ile seri port üzerinden geniş bandlı elektromanyetik alan ölçer cihazından her saniyede ölçülen etkin (rms) elektrik alan değeri ile GPS cihazından her saniyede gelen enlem, boylam ve zaman bilgisi senkronize bir şekilde alınmıştır. Elde edilen ölçüm sonuçları text dosyası şeklinde kaydedilmiştir. Daha sonra bu text dosyası elektromanyetik kirliliği görselleştirmek için sayısal haritaya aktarılmıştır. Son olarak, DTY ile farklı tarihlerde alınan iki ölçüm sonucu, Uluslararası İyonlaştırmayan Radyasyondan Korunma Komisyonu (ICNIRP) tarafından belirlenen meslek ve halk maruziyet sınırları ile karşılaştırılmış ve ölçüm sonuçlarının bu sınırları aşmadığı tespit edilmiştir.

Mapping of electromagnetic pollution with drive test method and evaluation of its measurement results

The numbers of devices emitting electromagnetic waves around us are increasing day by day with the development of technology. It is a known fact that electronic devices used increase the level of electromagnetic pollution in our environment. Therefore, determining the level of electromagnetic pollution in the environment is of great importance for human health. There are several methods to measure electromagnetic pollution. Manually measuring the value of the electromagnetic field is the most common method, but this method requires very long time to measure many points. Drive Test Method allows us to measure level of electromagnetic pollution of the long and wide areas very quickly as a mobile. In this study, with Drive Test Method, the level of electromagnetic pollution in Diyarbakır City Center for 100 kHz to 3 GHz frequency band was measured and the measurement results were shown in color on a digital map. The program written by us in C++ programming language obtained effective value of the electric field (rms) from broadband electromagnetic field device and latitude, longitude, and time information from GPS device for every second synchronously through the serial port. The measurement results obtained was saved in the form of text file. Then this text file was imported to digital map to visualize electromagnetic pollution. After the two measurements, the values of electric field were divided into 6 different ranges and colors. 0 =< E Field (V/m) < 1 values were shown in white color, 1 =< E Field (V/m) < 2 values were shown in green color, 2 =< E Field (V/m) < 3 values were shown in blue color ,3 =< E Field (V/m) < 4 values were shown in yellow color, 4 =< E Field (V/m) < 5 values were shown in red color and finally 5 =< E Field (V/m) =< 10 values were shown in black color on a digital map. The measurements were especially taken one day during the week and one day at the weekend for observing the electromagnetic pollution. The first measurement was taken on Friday, January 8, 2010 the local time between the hours of 15:17 to 19:27. Totally 12860 samples were taken during the first measurement. The average value of electric field of the first measurement was 2.22 V/m. The maximum value of electric field of the first measurement was 5.40 V/m. The minimum value of electric field of the first measurement was 0.58 V/m. The second measurement was taken on Sunday, January 17, 2010 the local time between the hours of 15:02 to 18:57. Totally 11533 samples were taken during the second measurement. The average value of electric field of the second measurement was 2.50 V/m. The maximum value of electric field of the second measurement was 6.28 V/m. The minimum value of electric field of the second measurement was 1.57 V/m. Finally, results of two measurements taken at different times with Drive Test Method were compared with the reference limits set by International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) for occupational and general public exposures and it was determined that the measurement results did not exceed these reference limits.