Tonsillektomi sonrası kanama

Tonsillektomi operasyonunun en önemli ve ciddi kompikasyonlarından biride kanamadır. Yaptığımız bu retrospektif çalışmada, Dicle Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Kulak Burun Boğaz Kliniği’ne tonsillektomi sonrası kanama ile başvuran 14’ü erkek, 9’u bayan toplam 23 hasta sunuldu. Ortalama yaş 15,5±10,6 idi. Hastaların 4’ünde primer (%17,3), 19’unda (%82,7) sekonder kanama mevcuttu. Sekonder kanama ile gelen hastaların geliş zamanları kaydedildi (2’sine postoperatif 4.gün, 5’inde 5. gün, 1’inde 6.gün, 4’ünde 7. gün, 2’sinde 8.gün, 3’ünde 10.gün, 1’inde 12.gün ve 1’inde 14.gün). 20 hastanın kanaması kan transfüzyonu ve konservatif metodlarla kontrol altına alındı (%86,9). 3 hastaya ameliyathane şartlarında müdahale edildi. Ameliyathanede kontrol altına alınan 3 hastanın 1’inde eksternal karotid arter ligasyonu yapıldı.

Hemorrhage following tonsillectomy

Hemorrhage is one of the most important and serious complications which follows tonsillectomy. In this retrospective study, 14 male, 9 female, total of 23 patients who were treated at Ear Nose Throat Department at Dicle University Faculty of Medicine for posttonsillectomy hemorrhage were presented. The average age was 15,5 ± 10,6. There were 4 primary (%17,3), 19 secondary (%82,7) hemorrhage cases. The times of presentation of patients with secondary hemorrhage following tonsillectomy were recorded (2 patiens postoperative 4th day, 5 patients 5th day, 1 patient 6th day, 4 patients 7th day, 2 patients 8th day, 3 patients 10th day, 1 patient 12th day and 1 patient 14th day). 20 patients’s hemorrhage were taken under control by blood transfusion and conservative methods (%86,9). Total of 3 patients were taken under control in the operating room. Ligature of the external carotid artery was performed in one of the three patients which taken undercontrol in the operatig room.


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