Serbest Piyasa Ahi Evranları: Anadolu'da Yükselen Yeni Kalkınma Ahlakı

Bu çalışmada küreselleşme ile gelen serbest piyasa modellerinin çoğulluklarından hareketle Anadolu'daki ekonomik yükselişin kalkınma ahlakı açıklanılmaya çalışılmaktadır. Bu çerçevede Anadolu'da, Kayseri örneğinde ortaya çıkan iktisadî kalkınmanın kadrocu gelenekten uzaklaşarak yerel, tarihsel, geleneksel ve dinsel temelleriyle uzlaşarak yeni bir ahlak temelinde yükseldiği ileri sürülmektedir. Sabri Ülgener'in iktisadî kalkınma ahlakı ile ilgili yaklaşımları bu konuda önemli temeller sağladığı gösterilecektir. Zihniyet açıklamalarıyla Weber'le benzerlikler taşımasına karşın, Ülgener, geleneğin dayanışma kültürünün deneyimlerinden hareket ederek dayanışma vurgulu açıklamalar yaparak farklılaşmaktadır.Böylece çalışmamızda hem küresel serbest piyasa modellerinden biri olmaya aday potansiyel niteliği taşıyan Anadolu kalkınma ahlakının varlığı ileri sürülmekte hem de Sabri Ülgener'in sosyal teorisiyle toplumsal olgularımızı açıklamanın Weber'in Protestan Ahlakı tezinden daha geçerli olabileceği gerçeği ileri sürülmektedir.

The Ahi Evrans of Free Market: The New Rising of Development Ethics of Anatolia

Within the globalization process the overall social relationships network have changed fundamentally. In this context the dirigisme and cadreist economic policies of cold war period began to be discarded, while free market model economy spread and raised its effectiveness. The ambience of the global age based on knowledge and satellite technology also facilitates and spreads this efficiency. By this way, free market model of development enjoys an unrivalled status in the new technological and political age. This model also raises different mentalities of development around the world stem from different cultural motivations in different civilization zones. Consequently there appears different ethics of developments of the free market. In that case, how can we understand the mentality of the new economic development in Anatolia? Where does it stand upon? How and in what terms does its ethic meet with free market model of global age? Can it be interpreted as Islamic Calvinism as some European social scientists claim? This study attempts to analyze the ethic of economic development in Anatolia within the plural models of free market. However this new ethic got rise in global free market conditions, we argue that it gets its bases in traditional, historical and religious principles and practices; and this economic development stands upon a morality peculiar to the region. The traditional Ahi model, which emphasizes especially solidarity, community, fellowship and valour, reveals anew itself within the free market model. In Kayseri case, the ethic of this economic upturn while accords with the traditional trends on the one hand, diverges from the established cadre movement on the other. Sabri Ülgener’s approach on the ethic of economic development has been predicated as the theoretical background of this examination. Ülgener’s mentality basis explanations however follow the Weberian thinking and have a lot similarity with him, Ülgener differs from Weber with the emphasis on the experience of solidarity of the Anatolian tradition. This study argues Ülgener’s social theory a more appropriate basis to explain this social fact than Weber’s Protestant Ethics thesis.


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