Ahmed-i Dâ’î’nin Vasiyyet-Nâme-i Nûşirevân’ındaki Eğitici Değerler

Nasihat-nâmeler, Türk ve dünya edebiyatının önemli türlerindendir. Bunlar, özellikle çocuk gelişimini çok yönlü desteklemesi itibariyle çocuk edebiyatının da vazgeçilmez kaynakları arasında kabul edilir. Bu çalışmada 14-15. yüzyıl şairlerimizden Ahmed-i Dâ’î’nin 115 beyitlik Vasiyyet-i Nûşirevân adlı mesnevisi incelenmiş; tespit edilen değerler İlköğretim Türkçe Dersi Öğretim Programı ve Kılavuzu’nda (MEB, 2006) belirtilen değerlerle karşılaştırılmıştır. Programda bu değerlerle ilgili kazanımlar da tespit edilmiş olup bu kazanımları destekleyen bölüm ve beyitler ilgili değerin başlığı altında toplanmıştır. Elde edilen bulgulardan hareketle mesnevide; çocuğun zihin, kişilik ve sosyal gelişimine ne gibi katkılarda bulunduğu belirlenmiştir. Çalışmanın bir sonraki basamağında ise mesnevide dinleme ve konuşma becerilerini destekleyen beyitler de ilgili becerinin başlığı altında toplanmıştır. Türkçe Öğretim Kılavuzu’nda dinleme ve konuşma becerileriyle ilgili kazanım ifadeleri ile mesnevide bu ifadeleri destekleyen beyitler ilişkilendirilmiştir. Yapılan analizlerde mesnevide işlenen değerler ile Türkçe Öğretimi Kılavuzu’nda hedeflenen kazanımların birçok yönden uyuştuğu görülmüş ve özellikle bu ortak unsurlar üzerinde yoğunlaşılmıştır. Eserin bu dersi desteklemesi ve çocukların gelişimlerini çoğu yönden olumlu etkilemesinden dolayı bulgular ve öneriler bölümünde de Vasiyyet-i Nûşirevân’ın dili günümüz Türkçesiyle yeniden uyarlanarak çocuklara okutulması önerilmiştir.

Educational Values in Ahmed-i Da’i’s Vasiyyet-Nâme-i Nûşirevân

Nasihat-nâme is the most special type of the Turkish and World literature. It is regarded, because of supporting the child development in a different manner, as one of indispensable source in child literature. In this study, it is investigated the 115 versed mathnawi called Vasiyyet-i Nuûşirevân by Ahmed-i Da’i lived in the 14-15th century; the determined values are compared with the values in the Turkish Course Education Program and Guide. It was stated the acquisition related with these values and it was collected under the title concerned with value supporting parts and verses. By the invention gained, it was determined how kinds of contribution it had made to the intellectual, personality and social development of children. In the next step of the study, the verses supporting the skills of listening and speaking in mathnewi are gathered under the concerned skills title. In the Turkish Education Guide, it is related the acquisition expressions concerned with listening and speaking skills and verses propping up these expressions in the mathnewi in each other. With this association, it was mentioned some methods and strategies bewared in speaking and listening skills in mathnewi and in the last part of the study it was explained the inventions confirmed in the mathnewi. In the first stage of the study, it is presented the life of Ahmned-i Dai, his literary Works and the other researchers studied on the Poet as the main features. In the next title, it is explained the type of vasiyyet-nâme and accessing process of this type being a convention in World literature to Turkish literature and its developments with its significant features. After, it is evaluated the writing process of the literary work of Vasiyyet-i Nûşirevân, its place and importance without going into too much details. The part consisting the value assessment and analysis is the most detailed one in the study. Here in the study through the content analysis, the values are investigated within two categories. These are values emphasizing the positive and negative attitudes. Values causing the positive attitudes, the Poet’ focusing on frequently, are handled firstly. The values to positive attitudes in mathnewi are listed below as respectively treatment in the text: The importance of science and being scientific, diligence, consulting work, love of nature and animals, human love, honesty, tolerance-humility, hospitality, kindness-proportionality, responsibility, self-control provision, justice, transiency of life. Part emphasizing the negative attitudes is interpreted under the title of badness and stay away from bad people. These values are classified under the related verses titles and expounded en detail. While analyzing the literary work, the message disparities between verses are also stated in related parts particularly because the Poet wants to give same value with its different aspects. Besides, since the verses are being listed, the same ordering in the mashnewi is taken into consideration for loyalty to the literary work of the Poet. In the value analysis, it is researched how they are tackled in other resources such as the Holy Quran and hadiths. As a result of the study, by the confirmed data it is not only stated similarities of common values in these resources but also mentioned the relations between these values with the education approach at the present time. Regarding that, it is overemphasized in which aspects these values particularly promote to moral, social and emotional development of students in educational process. The next stage of the study is the three-subtype analysis that the Poet introduced at the end of the mathnewi. These are hardworking, work completed on time and ignorant subtypes. In this part, it is discussed as to how the Poet dealt with these subtypes in the literary work. At the end of the study, values discoursed in the literary work and the relation of these values with listening and speaking skills among four basic ones are analyzed. In these analyses, it is observed that values discoursed in the literary and acquisitions aimed in the Guide of Turkish Education are common in many ways and particularly it is focused on these common components. Because of that the literary works promote to the course and affect development of children in many aspects, in the findings and recommendations part, it is proposed to educate the language of Vasiyyet-i Nûşirevân to children in present-day Turkish as re-adaptation.


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