Yaşar Kemal’in Dağın Öte Yüzü Üçlemesinde Mitos Yaratılış Süreci ve Gelişimi

Subject of our research is Yasar Kemal’s “The Wind from the Plain”” trilogy (The Wind from the Plain, ron Earth,Copper Sky, The Undying Grass) he created asa result of poor Chukurova villagers believe in a myth of their own creation myth, myth formation, evolution and death. In this study, the elements of the book, the folklore, mythological concepts by following the chronological order are explained in detail and interpreted in Turkish mythology. Yasar Kemal's work “The Wind from the Plain” trilogy's component of the mythological and folklore than in other studies examining the elements have been examined in detail. The study plot was followed by monitoring progress in chronological order based on the interpretation of Turkish mythology was tried and mythological elements in order to ensure that the public science, Turkish mythology utilized maximally. Separated from the other studies on this aspect Yasar Kemal, mythology and folklore elements in his work are given in a different perspective


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