Multimodal assistive wheelchair system operated by finger movement and capable of keyword extraction from images for visually and physically challenged people

Multimodal assistive wheelchair system operated by finger movement and capable of keyword extraction from images for visually and physically challenged people

The Assistive Technology (AT) is a boon for the physically, mentally challenged and aged people. There are various research projects conducted around the world to facilitate the disadvantaged people to lead a normal life. A team of researchers from the University of Technology and Applied Sciences of Salalah campus with the support of the Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation’s funding is working on a project on finger movement multimodal assistive system for the smart people (Disadvantaged people). The research team has identified people who have difficulty in speaking and locomotive disability. The team has designed a manual wheelchair with the visual and audio command options for the helper or the nearby people through the finger movement of the disabled people. The main objective is to convey the commands or instructions to others through simple finger movements which are not to be memorized. The machine learning component of this system will make the instruction personalized for the people and it will not be common for all.


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