Implementation of smart saver, logged-in device protector

Implementation of smart saver, logged-in device protector

Unauthorized access by malicious user could be very dangerous to all information systems. As a technical solution to prevent this, IAM (Identity and Access Management) is available. Many systems trust users who passed the system’s authentication or log-in until log-out. However, IAM operates passively by traffic between devices and systems. Because IAM can’t see the user of the device, it considers all traffic from the device after log-in is generated by the log-in user. Therefore, a logged-in and unattended device could be a security vulnerability of the system because it can be used by a malicious user nearby. Currently, many systems entirely rely on individual users to protect their devices. However, this study suggests an idea of technical solution called smart saver to protect the logged-in devices more securely. The smart saver triggers screen saver immediately upon detection of absence or change of the logged-in user using camera sensor of the device. For this, smart saver extracts and uses user’s appearance features and tries not to violate the recent trend of strengthening identity information protection. And this study shows the feasibility of smart saver through experiments.


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