The Biological Degradation of Püre Pectin And Citrus Wastes To Obtain Fuel Gas

The production of valuable goods or usable materials from various wastes and the prötec- tion of the environment from the pollution are the important problems of this century. For this purpose, ali sorts of wastes with different characters and too many methods are used. Agricultural wastes have an important place amongst others. One of the method used is fermentation, especially anaerobic fermentation which in most cases helps to solve energy prob¬lem. In the following article the anaerobic fermentation of citrus vastes and pectin are investi- gated. According to the results obtained, the gas produced from anaerobic disintegration of the mentioned wastes contains approsimately 50 % of hydrogen gas which can be used either as a fuel or as a Chemical in process industries.


  • Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series B Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Communications Faculty of Sciences University of Ankara Series B Chemistry and Chemical Engineering-Cover
  • ISSN: 1303-6017
  • Başlangıç: 1948
  • Yayıncı: Ankara Üniversitesi