Jeoçeşitlilik derecesi bir sahanın sahip olduğu abiyotik değerlerin çok açık göstergesidir. Doğanın korunması ve doğru yönetilmesi için bu potansiyelin belli ölçütleri esas alan objektif bir yöntemle belirlenmesi gerekmektedir. Bu doğrultuda Karadeniz Bölgesi’nin Doğu Karadeniz Bölümü’nde yer alan Tortum Gölü-Tortum Boğazı ve yakın çevresi çalışma sahası olarak seçilmiş ve objektif yaklaşımıyla dikkat çeken Serrano ve Ruiz-Flaño Yöntemi’nden yararlanılarak jeoçeşitlilik derecesi ortaya konulmuştur. Buna göre araştırma sahasında jeoçeşitlilik derecesine esas teşkil eden jeolojik, jeomorfolojik, hidrografik ve edafik 74 temel unsur tespit edilmiş ve diğer bileşenlerle (gerçek alan, engebelilik katsayısı) birlikte değerlendirmeye alınmıştır. Sonuçta elde edilen jeoçeşitlilik indeksi (9,13) araştırma sahasının jeoçeşitlilik derecesinin çok yüksek olduğunu ortaya koymuştur. Bu bakımdan araştırma sahası milli park ya da jeopark gibi bir koruma statüsü almayı hak etmektedir. Nitekim saha jeoturizme kazandırıldığı takdirde hem doğal yapısı korunacak hem de yöresel kalkınmaya önemli katkılar sağlayacaktır.Anahtar Kelimeler: Tortum Gölü, Jeoçeşitlilik, Serrano ve Ruiz-Flaño Metodu, Uzundere, Erzurum, Yusufeli, Artvin.Determination of Geo-diversity of Lake Tortum-Tortum Gorge Valley and Surrounding Places (Uzundere-Erzurum and Yusufeli-Artvin) through Serrano and Ruiz-Flaño MethodAbstractGeodiversity degree is a very clear indication of abiotic values that area possesses. It is necessary to determine that potential through an objective method which is based on certain criteria in order to protect nature and manage it correctly. In this direction Lake Tortum-Tortum Gorge Valley and the surrounding places, which are located in the Eastern Black Sea Section of Black Sea Region were chosen as the field of study and the geodiversity potential of this place was determined by the use of Serrano and Ruiz–Flaño Method, which is notable for its objectivity. According to this, 74 geological, geomorphological, hydrographical and edaphic elements, which constitute the basis for the geodiversity potential of research area, were identified and evaluated together with other components (actual domain, rugosity parameter). The obtained geodiversity index (9,13) put forth that the degree of research area’s geo-diversity is very high. Therefore, it is important that this research area be given a status of protection, such as that of a national park or geo-park. Thus, if the area is used for the geotourism, both its natural structure will be put under protection and it will highly contribute to the regional development.Keywords: Lake Tortum, Geodiversity, Serrano and Ruiz-Flaño Method, Uzundere, Erzurum, Yusufeli, Artvin.

Geodiversity degree is a very clear indication of abiotic values that area possesses. It is necessary to determine that potential through an objective method which is based on certain criteria in order to protect nature and manage it correctly. In this direction Lake Tortum-Tortum Gorge Valley and the surrounding places, which are located in the Eastern Black Sea Section of Black Sea Region were chosen as the field of study and the geodiversity potential of this place was determined by the use of Serrano and Ruiz–Flaño Method, which is notable for its objectivity. According to this, 74 geological, geomorphological, hydrographical and edaphic elements, which constitute the basis for the geodiversity potential of research area, were identified and evaluated together with other components (actual domain, rugosity parameter). The obtained geodiversity index (9,13) put forth that the degree of research area’s geo-diversity is very high. Therefore, it is important that this research area be given a status of protection, such as that of a national park or geo-park. Thus, if the area is used for the geotourism, both its natural structure will be put under protection and it will highly contribute to the regional development.


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