Bitlis Dârülmualîmin Mektebi

Bitlis, an province of the Ottoman Empire, is one of the settlements affected by the innovation movements of modernisation period. It was determined that the buildings surviving were Bitlis Municipality, Bitlis High School and The Teachers' Training School for Boys of Bitlis. The Teachers’ Training School for Boys of Bitlis' features were tried to be presented by discussing it in terms of art history and Bitlis education history. An evaluation was made by comparing the school with the public buildings and similar types of buildings built in the same period. As a result, it has been seen that Bitlis Darülmualîmin School is smaller in size than its counterparts built in other provinces and sanjaks. In addition, although they do not have one-to-one similarities with the other public buildings in the starboard centre, it has been observed that they are similar in terms of façade and planning features.

The Teachers' Training School For Boys of Bitlis

Bitlis, an province of the Ottoman Empire, is one of the settlements affected by the innovation movements of modernisation period. It was determined that the buildings surviving were Bitlis Municipality, Bitlis High School and The Teachers' Training School for Boys of Bitlis. The Teachers’ Training School for Boys of Bitlis' features were tried to be presented by discussing it in terms of art history and Bitlis education history. An evaluation was made by comparing the school with the public buildings and similar types of buildings built in the same period. As a result, it has been seen that Bitlis Darülmualîmin School is smaller in size than its counterparts built in other provinces and sanjaks. In addition, although they do not have one-to-one similarities with the other public buildings in the starboard centre, it has been observed that they are similar in terms of façade and planning features.


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